History of Tankaria

History of Tankaria

Research and Editing: Nasirhusen Ahmed Lotiya.

First Online Edition: April 2007 (Published on “Tankaria Wet Paint” website in English)
Latest Online Edition: March 2021 (Published on “My Tankaria” website with added information in English) 

The history of a unique village called Tankaria is full of interesting facts. Emperor Ahmad Shah of the Muzaffarid dynasty and emperor Jahangir of the Mughal Empire were impressed by the importance of the village, and they gave special priority to the village. The actions of some of the people of this village for the freedom movement were noted at a meeting at the United Nations headquarters in Geneva. Mahatma Gandhi appreciated the contribution of the freedom fighters of this village. British officials were impressed by the quality of education in the village. Many Sufi saints chose this village as a their ‘karmabhumi’ to teach and preach Islam and chose to be buried in the soil of the village. The people of this village were known throughout the district for their sincerity, unity, kinship, and sincere feelings of sharing each other’s sorrow.

The land surrounding the village was known as wasteland. People of this village made it cultivable by tying belts on their waists in the scorching summer heat. Due to the large families and the scarcity of land in the village, those who got little land or did not have any luck to have a small piece of land, worked as labourers on the agriculture farms without hesitation. They fulfilled the basic responsibility of supporting their family by painting or repairing such household items as lanterns. To perform the responsibility of feeding the family, people would carry heavy loads of merchandise on their shoulders and backs and walk from village to village, regardless of the heat or cold. Due to ploughing the fields, walking for miles from one village to other, going door-to-door for business, or driving cattle from one town to another, many a times painful corns and calluses developed on their feet. They suffered a lot but kept following the Sunnah way of earning halal. The hardworking people of the village have made invaluable sacrifices of their entire lives, enduring hardships as long as they lives. The children were educated and the village became renowned as the centre of education in the country and abroad. It is an undeniable fact that in the foundations of the tall edifice of the village’s distinct identity lies the intelligence and wisdom of the village elders and the contribution they made from their halal earnings. The sound of the loud voices of our ancestors left in the air is hitting the beautiful tall edifice called progress and is awaking their children by shaking them, and asking them in frustration, “Why you have forgotten?​​​​​​​ I am buried here; I am also the foundation of this building”.

It is a pleasure to present the latest edition of the history of Tankaria village and its great people.

Arial View Of Mustafabad Tankaria; photo taken from helicopter; photo courtesy: Hanif Yakub Khoda, UK
Arial View Of Mustafabad Tankaria; photo taken from helicopter; photo courtesy: Hanif Yakub Khoda, UK

Arial View Of Mustafabad Tankaria; photo taken from helicopter; photo courtesy Hanif Yakub Khoda, UK
Arial View Of Mustafabad Tankaria; photo taken from helicopter; photo courtesy Hanif Yakub Khoda, UK

Historical Minar of Jam-e-masjid of Mustafabad-Tankaria
Historical Minar of Jam-e-masjid of Mustafabad-Tankaria

Primary School For Boys: The portion on the left is showing original construction in 1865–66, the portion on the right shows extension in 1958

Primary School For Boys: Roof completed in1865-66. Photo Showing wooden trusses, rafters, bolted steel plates, and clay roof tiles. For, details refer to text under the title “Tankaria Primary School For Boys”.


Primary School for Boys (Old Building)
Government Hospital Tankaria
Gam Kuvo/Village Well: Main source of water for villagers in the past. (No electromechanical water pump was being used in the past)
Gam Kuvo/Village Well: Main source of water for villagers in the past. (No electromechanical water pump was being used in the past).

Part 1- Based on authentic historical sources:
edited By: Nasir Ahmed Lotiya.

Efforts have been made with the auspicious intention of preserving the written history of the village before it is lost or destroyed. I keep reading some historical Books/Volumes with curiosity to find the smallest information about our history. Information that was found was recorded, digitised, and published as Part 1.

(Contact the editor to read Books/Volumes (references for Mustafabad-Tankaria history), written in English mentioned below.)

The original name of Tankaria village was Mustafabad (1453 CE and earlier): 
This historical fact mentioned at least six to seven times as listed below in authentic history resources:
(i) In the original inscription, which was written in Arabic and affixed to the wall of Jam-e-Masjid, the name of the village is mentioned as Mustafabad only. Tankaria does not mention anywhere in this inscription. This inscription is safe as it was affixed to the wall of the Jam-e-Masjid.
(ii) “Studies in Indian place names”, Volume 9, page 76.
(iii) “Islamic India studies in History, Epigraphy, Onomastic, and Numismatics” Page 57, 79 and 344.
(iv) “Archaeological Survey of India, Government of India, EPIGRAPHIA INDICA – ARABIC AND PERSIAN SUPPLEMENT”- Edition 1975 (Page 30), specifies that “This Arabic epigraph does not only provide the construction history of Jam-e-Masjid, but it also provides us the proof that the name of the village in 1453 CE was Mustafabad”.
(v) According to the statement of Mr N. M. Ganam (Research officer of archaeological Survey of India), “Tankaria was at the date of the record officially called Mustafabad. The epigraph provides one more instance of the present-day customs of the renaming of town. The importance of epigraph for the local history of the town is obvious”. His recorded statement can be found on pages 17 & 18 of “Epigraphia Indica”.
(vi) Dr Z. A. Desai, “Director of Epigraphy Archaeological Survey of India” stated the facts related to a new naming of places: “At least 05 places that are known through epigraphs to have received new names during the pre-Mughal period. These are (1) Tankaria alias (alias – Named at another time) Mustafabad in the Broach district of Gujarat. (2) Diyadar alias Mahmudabad in Sabar Kantha District of Gujarat. (3) Sanchor alias Muhammadabad in Jalor district of Rajasthan. (4) Malia alias Rasulabad in Rajkot district of Gujarat, and (5) Khakharechi alias Ambiyabad in Rajkot district of Gujarat”.
Reference: “Archaeological Survey of India, Government of India, EPIGRAPHIA INDICA – ARABIC AND PERSIAN SUPPLEMENT”- Edition 1974, page 3 and Edition 1975, page 30.

The naming of the existing Institutions in the village, “Mustafabad I.T.I.” and “Mustafabad Youth Club Library” are related to the original name of the village Mustafabad.

[Readers can skip this portion under the bracket, it is added here for detailed information: Mustafabad was under Gujarat Sultanate (Also known as Muzaffarid dynasty) and afterward under Mughal Empire. In 1391, Muhammad bin Tughluq, the ruler of the “Delhi Sultanate” appointed Zafar Khan as the Governor of Gujarat. Zafar Khan (Founder of Muzaffarid dynasty) defeated Farhat-ul-Mulk near Anhilwada Patan and made the city his capital. “Delhi Sultanate” considerably weakened following Taimur’s invasion of Delhi and so Zafar khan declared himself independent in 1407 and formally established “Muzaffarid dynasty”. After him, his son Ahmed Shah I founded Ahmedabad city (on the banks of Sabarmati River) on 26 February 1411 and announced Ahmedabad as the new capital on 4 March 1411. The Muzaffarid dynasty was sultans of Gujarat until the conquest of Gujarat by the Mughal Empire in 1573. In 1573, Akbar the emperor of the Mughal Empire, captured Gujarat by defeating Muzaffar Shah The 3rd ; Muzaffar tried to regain the Sultanate in 1584 but failed. Gujarat remained the Mughal province from 1573 up to 1605]

History of Mustafabad Jam-e-Masjid (Built-in 1453 CE):
An Epigraph affixed to the wall of the historical “Mustafabad Jam-e-Masjid”. Translation of epigraph in English is as below:
“All Masjids are for the prayer of Allah. Do not worship any other than Allah. Prophet sallallahu-alayhi-wa-sallam said, “Whoever builds a masjid of Allah, Allah builds for him a house in paradise.” Jam-e-Masjid of town Mustafabad was built during the ruling period of Emperor Qutub Abul Muzaffar Ahmad Shah by the guidance of Allah. Following the request of the leader of young “Salatuttashrif Saiyyad Ataullah Raja Hayful Mukhatib Saraful Milal” (honoured with Titles), and the effort of “Qaziyul- Mashaikh”, it has been ready on 09 Rabiul-Awwal, 857 Hijri.”

The history of Mustafabad Jam-e-Masjid was recorded in the History Books mentioned below:
(i) “Indian Archaeology” 1972–73, Page 48.
(ii) “Epigraphic Resources in Gujarat”- Page 19.
(iii) “Archaeological Survey of India, Government of India” Edition-1978, Page 48. In this addition, it is recorded that, “As Inscription of the Sultans of Gujarat, District Broach, a slightly damaged record from Tankaria, District Broach, records the construction of the Jami mosque of the town of Mustafabad by Sayyed “Ataullah Raja Husaini, entitled Sharaful-Mulk at the instance of Qutbuddin Ahmad Shah- 2.”

Ahmad Shah- The 1st: Born in 1389; passed away in 1442 (Hijri 846).
Reign: 1411 to 1442. He was titled as “Nasir-ud-din”
Ahmad Shah-The 2nd: Born in 1429; passed away on 25th May 1458 CE (12 Rajab 862 Hijri)
Reign: 1451 to 1458. He was titled as “Qutbuddin Ahmad Shah-The 2nd ”

Ahmad Shah- The 1st and Ahmad Shah-The 2nd were the kings of Gujarat Sultanate (Also known as the Muzaffarid dynasty 1407–1573). Gujarat Sultanate was a kingdom established in the early 15th century in western India, primarily in the present-day state of Gujarat, India. Muzaffarid dynasty (Gujarat Sultanate) was founded by Sultan Zafar Khan Muzaffar.  Ahmad Shah-The 2nd defeated Khilji at Kapadvanj. He also helped Firuz Khan ruling from Nagaur against Rana Kumbha of Chittor’s attempt to overthrow him. The end of the Gujarat Sultanate came in 1573 when the third Mughal emperor Jalal-ud-din Muhammad Akbar (Also known as Akbar), annexed Gujarat in his empire.

As recorded in the above-mentioned History Books construction of Jam-e-Masjid completed on Monday, 20 March 1453 CE corresponds to 9 Rabi-Al- Awwal, Hijri 857. Mustafabad Jam-e-Masjid was built during the ruling period of Ahmad Shah-The 2nd  (Qutb-ud-din Ahmad Shah-The 2nd ), who was the son of Mahmud Shah-The 2nd and the grandson of famous king Ahmad Shah-The 1st , the founder of Ahmedabad city as Capital. Ahmad Shah-The 2nd sits on the throne as a youth ruler in 1451 CE and he ruled up to his death on 25th May 1458 (Rajab 12, 862 Hijri). He married to a daughter of king Shams Khan of Nagor. Ahmad Shah-The 2nd defeated Khilji at Kapadvanj. He also helped Firuz Khan ruling from Nagaur against Rana Kumbha of Chittor’s attempt to overthrow him. Apart from the Mustafabad Jame Mosque, the construction of the famous Kankaria Lake in Ahmedabad (Hawje Qutub/Qutubni Hoj), was also completed during the reign of Ahmad Shah-The 2nd. The ‘Qutbuddin Masjid’ (also known as Qutub Shah Masjid), in Ahmedabad is associated with his name, but it was built in 1446 during the reign of his father, Muhammad Shah The 2nd. This mosque is a beautiful example of architecture. Entrance gate of the Masjid looks exquisite. He was buried in the royal mausoleum at Manek Chowk in Ahmedabad in “Ahmad Shahno Haziro” also known as “King’s Tomb”. Mausoleum is a large square-domed structure with a central hall and four square rooms at the corners joined by pillared verandahs. Windows of perforated stone-work allow light into the interior. In the royal mausoleum there are three tombs. The tomb of Ahmad Shah-The 1st is in the centre of the hall; his son Muhammad Shah-The 2nd on left and grandson Ahmad Shah-The 2nd on right.
Mahmud Begda seat on throne after Ahmad Shah-The 2nd.

History of Tankaria village mentioned in the Gazetteer of the Bombay Presidency (1618 CE): 
This volume on the People of Gujarat includes two parts; among two parts, the first part, “The Musalmans” was contributed by “Khan Bahadur Fazlullah Lutfullah Faridi”. He was “Assistant Collector of Customs” at Bombay. On page 59 of this part, it is mentioned that Captain Ovans in one of the notebooks of the first Broach Survey given an account (Description of past events), which he had from Vahoras of Tankaria. According to Captain Ovan’s description, some of the Marvadi prisoners of war were kept as slaves by a Hindu king. They were freed in 1618 CE by Muslim Emperor Jahangir. Those Marvadis became Muslim; they were settled on the waste lands in Gujarat. Subsequent sentence “Some of the Kaira’s (Present days Kheda), cultivating Bahoras give almost the same account, and though these Marvadi converts cannot have been original Bohoras, they may at one time have been distinct class like or the same as “Kakapuries” mentioned below on page 62” gave us further clarification.

After careful reading of all those written sentences it is understood that wisely, Emperor Jahangir settled those newly converted Marvadi Muslims on waste lands such as Mustafad Tankaria and Kheda. The purpose was that those migrants can easily get some land, religious guidance and help from Muslims villagers.

It is recorded in the inscription of the jam-e-masjid and other history books that Muslim leaders of Mustafabad requested to king to build a Masjid, which was accepted. Ahmad Shah-The 2nd built the Jam-e-masjid in 1453; having bigger area; considering the large population of Muslims. In 1618 (after 165 years of construction of the Jam-e-masjid), when those migrants were settled in Mustafabad Tankaria, Muslim population was large.

Captain Ovans actual name was Charles Ovans. He was born in 1798 CE and died in 1858 CE. Both in Gazetteer of the Bombay Presidency published in 1899 CE during British rule and, in the Reginald Heber’s Journal, published in 1828 CE by the University of Oxford, his name written as Captain Ovans. He was engaged in the first revenue land survey of Gujarat from 1818 CE to 1829 CE. Captain Ovans handled superintending the land survey operations for revenue.

A land survey was carried in Tankaria in 1856 for laying the railway track (1856 CE) :
In 1856 CEa land survey was conducted in Tankaria for laying the railway track by “The Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway” (“B.B. & C.I.”). When Surveyors reached for the survey at Tankaria they faced geographical & technical issues at Tankaria village which were not solved. Engineers of B.B. & C.I. decided to reroute the railway track from Nandewar village.

“Administration report on the Railways in India” specify, “B.B. & C.I was a company incorporated in 1855 to undertake the task of constructing a railway line between Bombay and Vadodara. Laying of railway track work was completed in 1864.”

According to oral tradition (unwritten stories of culture), the railway line supposed to be passed between shrine of “Pir Jummanshah Rahmatullah” (on the east edge of village pond) and “Shah Nazarshah Rahmatullah” (On the eastern side of existing High School, beside Bharuch Palej Road). Onwards the railway line supposed to passed near to the land of shrine “Naseershah Rahmatullah” (Farm lands opposite to Thikariya Bus Stop)

Note: Peer Shongarshah is not the real name, but the real name is “Peer Shah Nazarshah”, such a useful information is taken from “Eternal Natural Religion: Islam: Gujarat and The Sunni Patel Tradition” edited by “Kamal Mustafabadi”. Among other religious literature this valuable religious book contains useful information about the Sufi Saints (Pir/Auliya) of Gujarat.

Tankaria Primary School for Boys (1865-66 CE) :
The construction report for the School Building at Tankaria for 150 Boys published in “General Report on the Administration of the Bombay Presidency, for 1865–66”. It is recorded in the report that “Foundation filled in, plinth raised, and superstructure nearly completed; doors and windows and woodwork of roof prepared.” It is also mentioned in the report that Rs. 6,633 allotted for 1865–66; Rs. 3,116 expended and Rs. 3,517 was balance.

The original school building (1865–66) had seven rooms. Enough space was left open in the front and centre of the building to provide fresh air and sunlight. Open space can be used for extracurricular activities. Clay Bricks were used in the wall, and high-quality teak was used for the roof. Well-designed wooden trusses, rafters, and clay roof tiles were used for the roof. Arrangements of rooms, the utilisation of space, perfectly designed wooden trusses, use of formatted steel plates having bolted connections to provide extra strength to wooden trusses, all those points prove that the building was planned and designed by an Engineer according to the Standards and Engineering Practices being used during 1856–66. After comparing the design of trusses in neighbouring villages with old school buildings like in Tankaria, it is concluded that the design of trusses was centrally controlled during that period to maintain the high-quality of work and similarity. It also proves that well-trained teams of carpenters were assigned for the work of all school buildings being run by the government. At least we can say special care was taken for public buildings in that era and that is why public buildings of that era were durable.

As recorded above, the total construction cost of Tankaria primary school for boys was around Rs. 4000; it was a cheap period!

Construction of another 2 rooms was completed in 1958 (which includes popularly known “Udyog Room/Craft Room”). It was the first extension of the building after the independence of India.

The old building for The Primary Boys School premises at Nana Padar had nine (07+02) rooms. Twelve new rooms added to it making twenty-one rooms. At present, the old school building is partially used. The population of the village is increasing; the area is expanding. For the convenience of children, the demand for branch schools was made. Demand was accepted by the government in 2005. There is a branch school for Boys at Mota Padar having eight rooms and branch school for girls at Nana Padar having ten rooms.

Central Urdu Primary School of Tankaria (1903 CE) :
Central Urdu Primary School of Tankaria was among the first school with boarding facilities in the northern division of the Bombay Presidency.

The “Director of Public Instruction” published the official report on the progress of education for 1917-1918. The report specifies that “There were only a few Central Urdu Primary Boarding Schools for Muslims in 1917; among these are the District Local Board and Municipal Urdu Primary School at Nasirabad in the central division and Central Urdu Primary School at Tankaria in the northern division of the Bombay Presidency.” Further on page 119 of this report, it is recorded that, The Central Urdu Boys School at Tankaria in the Broach district presented 11 students at the Vernacular (Urdu) final examination and passed 10 (Year 1917). Three of its student who had passed in the preceding year got admission into the P.R. Training College at Ahmedabad”. The class attached to the “District Local Board”. School at a large Muslim village Tankaria, is under the charge of 3 years trained Munshi on Rs. 45. The moral and physical welfare of the students is carefully attended to. The class is an excellent institution and is fully performing the purpose with which it was founded.”

It is mentioned in the “Quinquennial (Five years) Report on Public Instruction in the Bombay Presidency for the Years 1922 – 1927” that, to solve the issue of unqualified teachers for Muslim Schools, “Government opened special Central Urdu Schools in the district of Ratnagiri, Kolaba and Thana on the lines of that which had long been in existence at Tankaria in the Broach District for the preparation of boys for Vernacular Final Examination with the special view to their becoming teachers.” It is further mentioned that “Since the Tankaria Central Schools was started in 1903 it has passed some 118 boys in the Vernacular Final Examination, particularly all of whom are reported to become Primary school teachers.”

The Bombay Gazette, Tuesday, March 14. 1911 points out “honourable member of the council asked the government, will the government be pleased to state whether it is proposed to ask the Local Boards in all districts to establish central schools as at Tankaria in Broch District?”

A study of the reports described above confirms that The Central Urdu Primary School at Tankaria was a famous and most successful school in the Bombay Presidency. The school was cited as an example in the authentic government reports. During the British rule, some new schools were established on the lines of Tankaria’s Central Urdu Primary School.

Central Urdu Primary School of Tankaria was Government grant aided school. The place where the school was located in the village is still famous as “Santol” (Corrupt from Central or Central Boarding School).

Freedom Fighters of Tankaria (1930 CE) :
Musa Esa Captain, Mahatma Muhammad Ibrahim Kabir, Adam Ismail Mustafabadi, Ibrahim Ise Babiyat nicknamed “Nayak Mota” and Dr Alibhai Ghodiwala were well-known freedom fighters of Tankaria village. The seventeenth session of the “Permanent Mandates Commission” (Commission of “League of Nations”), was held at the “United Nations” headquarters in Geneva from 3rd June 1930 to 21st June 1930. It is recorded on page 216 of the minutes of this session that “Communication from Mr Musa Esa Captain, Honorary Secretary of Anjumane Shaukatul Islam and Khilafat Committee Tankaria, India received by the Permanent Mandates Commission on 7th June 1930.”
After a discussion at the meeting, it was finalised to take action against Musa Esa Captain. He was sent to Nagpur Central Jail for seven months; Mahatma Kabir was also sent to Nagpur Central Jail for few months; Gandhiji was in the Nagpur Central jail. Gandhiji himself gave the title of “Mahatma” to Mahatma Kabir and “Captain” to Musa Esa Captain.

The original surname of Adam Ismail Mustafabadi was Rober. He had so much love for the Mustafabad that he used to write Mustafabadi behind his name. Mustafabadi had a good knowledge of the English language and, using his skills, he helped people. He is said to have written a book called “Lohina Aansu” (Tears of Blood). After India’s independence, Ibrahim Ise Babiyat had been serving in the police department. The freedom fighters of Tankaria were also members of the “Khilafat Committee Tankaria”. Freedom fighters were an example of unity in the Tankaria and surrounding area; they created a prominent identity of the village. The people of Tankaria village used to give necessary guidance and advice to the people of the surrounding villages. Our ancestors brightened the name of the village.

Muslim leaders Mohammad Ali, Shaukat Ali, Abul Kalam Azad, and Hasrat Mohani were at the forefront of the “Khilafat Committee”. The agitation was eventually incorporated with the “Non-cooperation movement” by Gandhiji. Khilafat committee gave an added advantage of cementing Hindu-Muslim unity against the British rule.

Part 2- Oral History (2007):
(Oral History: History told by seven elders of Tankaria)

Edited By Nasir Ahmed Lotiya & Mustak Suleman Daula

Keeping in view the demands of the time that valuable oral history should be preserved without further delay, we Nasir Lotiya and Mushtaq Daula visited seven Tankarvi elders in the first quarter of 2007. (Six of those elders have left this world).

Considering the importance of oral history, Brother Shakil Bha also published oral history on the website. It contains important information about the village described by the late Ahmed Munshi (an elder of the Chati family settled in Chicago, USA).

In April 2007; our interviews with seven elders were digitised and published under the title “Part 2-Oral History” on Tankaria Wet Paint website ; the Gujarati version of which will be published on our MyTankaria website shortly.

We met 07 Tankarvis in 2007. Our narrators belong to Well-Known 04 groups of families (04 Divisions/Bhag) of our village.
(Note: Among the 07 Narrators mentioned below, Ahmed Bhaloda, Musa Laheri, Abdullah Bhad, Ibrahim Kaduji and, Ibrahim Larya passed away. May Allah grant them a superior place in Jannatul Firdaus).

Of course, they have seen Tankaria closer than us, and they have more information about our history. The most common view of all our elders is based on the chain of communications through generations is below.
“Some people of Dholka-Dhandhuka villages relocated to Tankaria”. No one knows from how many years.
From the groups of those relocated families and the locations of their houses in Tankaria, they were divided into 04 main Divisions. (1) Bhad (2) Bukhat (3) Vaja (Mota Vaja) and (4) Suleman Vaja (Sullu Vaja or Nana Vaja).
By those 04 divisions, Tankaria was well known as “Village of Four Brothers”.

Note: Dholka and Dhandhuka are both in Ahmedabad District of Gujarat, India. Dholka is 50 KM away from Nadiad towards the West. Dhandhuka has located the West side of Dholka. The distance between Dholka and Dhandhuka is 62 KM. Dholka and Dhandhuka were known as twin towns.

Tankarvis, who visited Dhandhuka for the business, told us that still there are the same names and surnames as we have in Tankaria.
Let us meet our elders who belong to all four divisions.

Suleman Vaja (Sallu Vaja or Nana Vaja)
Ahmed Adam Ismail Mohammed Bhaiji Bhaloda Date of birth: 04-01-1926

He belongs to Suleman Vaja division. His elders were known as Abhram Mitha, later on, they were known as Bhaiji, and now they are known as Bhaloda.  Below is a summary of what he said.

We belong to Suleman Vaja. (Also known as Sallu Vaja) In our groups of families starting from Kagrinatha street, Bhaloda street, Nagia street, all Bhuta families, Isapbapu Banglawala, Delawala, Miyaji, Dhoriwala, Wadiwala, Dabger, Sattar, and Bhaloda belong to Suleman Vaja. Some family members from Sallu Vaja like Chati, Joli, Bhaloda, and Bhuta relocated to Vantarsa village. Recalling his past, he said before India’s independence, one English officer came to Tankaria, he wants to start one English Medium School, but all the people of Tankaria opposed his proposal. People of Tankaria were favouring Mahatma Gandhi’s Swadeshi movement. Finally, they started English Medium School in Hansot village. Some of our students were studying in Bharuch, and some were in Baroda. Tankaria High School started in 1952, in the Safri building. There was no power supply at that time. We got the power supply in 1961–62. People were poor during those times. We were working on farms.

He said “I studied up to class 05 in the Urdu Medium School”. Our School was known as “Tankaria Urdu Central Boarding School”. Students from neighbour villages and even students from Vagra, Jambuser, and Ankleshwar were coming to Tankaria for the study. They were living in the “Central Boarding,” later on that building was known as “Santole”.
(Note: As recorded in the report of the Director of Public Instruction “There were only a few Central Urdu Primary boarding schools for Muslims in 1917. Among these are the District Local Board and Municipal Urdu primary school at Nasirabad in the central division and central Urdu primary (Boarding) school at Tankaria in the northern division of the Bombay Presidency).

At that time, Gulam master Bapuji was our primary school teacher. His father Isap Bapuji was a member of the District Local Board. He was living in Bharuch. Ibrahim Master Rober Munshi, Gulam master Delawala, Musa master Delawala, Patel master, Mohammed master Ghodiwala, Bakor Munshi, and one Munshi from Dayadara were working as teachers.

Recalling his memories he provides some information based on legends. He heard from his elders that Hazrat Hafez Kabir R.A. who was a great saint from Village Zangar informed his followers that when I leave this world, one saint will come from the Westside. You will see him wearing a safety Jacket (Bakhtar). He will lead my funeral prayer (Namaz-e-janaja). Later, it was observed that the saint who leads funeral prayer was Ashraf Shah R.A. from Tankaria, who was buried at Nana Padar at Tankaria.

He said that he heard from his elders in 1856 CE, Engineers of the British railway came and began to survey for the laying railway tracks at Tankaria. Railway tracks to be laid near the Dargah of Songarshah R.A. (The Back portion of The Tankaria High School) and near Dargah of Pir Nashirshah R.A. (Between Tankaria and Kamboli). Engineers got many troubles in those particular areas. Finally, the wise people of Tankaria provided advice that these Saints are unhappy with railway tracks to be laid near them. Then, it was decided by British Engineers to reroute the railway tracks and took a big curve near the Nandevar Village.
(Note: The Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway (B.B.& C.I.) was a company incorporated in 1855 CE to undertake the task of constructing a railway line between Bombay and Vadodara. B.B. & C.I completed the work in 1864)

About Golden Days
He said, in our time thick clothing called Jota/ Khadi was used by poor people, and some rich people used to wear Patawala lengha (In his words). The price of Khadi was 5 Paisa/yard (vaar). We must wear Khadi because of Gandhi’s direction. When our clothing got a tear, we used to stitch it by using another small piece of cloth. It might be of different colour and quality. It was called, “Thingdu”. In our early days, women used to wear Saari, some wear Lugdu (His wording). Recalling his memories, he said at that time cost of deshi Juwwar (Great millet) for 40 kg was 01 Rupee. Some poor people used to eat Red Juwwar. The price of wheat for 20 kg was 01 Rupee. The cost for one tin of cooking oil was 06 Rupees and the interesting price of gold for 10 grams was only 20 Rupees. It means the cost for 1 gram was 2 Rupees only. Mostly Bajri/Bajra (Pearl millet) was purchased from Jambusar, Vagra, Padra, and some interior coastal villages of Vagra and Jambusar. In those days, the poverty ratio was too high. Most of the villagers used to go to the farm for labour work (Majuri). When people go to farms to work, owners of the farms collected the foods from worker’s homes and at noon bring them to farms. We used to eat together. Some workers used to eat rotla (Flatbread thicker in size made from millet) with Onion, green chilli, or jaggery. Some used to eat red chilli powder mixing with cooking oil and used to eat with rotla. When he was saying those words, his eyes became wet. He said, “we were much happier compared to our present-day life. We look after our neighbours very well, and we used to share our happy moments or time of sorrow”.

At that time, there were shops owned by Umerji Asmal Khoda, Musebhai Bhim, Ahmed Ishap Ipli, Alli Ishap Ipli, and Ahmed Muse Dhabu. At that time, dry coconuts, dry dates, jaggery were cheap. At that time, for marriage, we used bullock carts (Gadu) for Baraat (Jaan). Sometimes we used 20 to 25 carts. For women, there were separate carts. While raining, we used to go on walking for the Baraat. (Marriage)

Mode of transportation Recalling his memory, he said at that time we did not have any Buses or other vehicles. If we have to go to Bharuch, Karjan, or Mumbai, we first should go to the Varediya railway station. Early in 1932-33, the only available transportation from Tankaria to Varediya was bullock carts. There were three small bullock carts Known as Damania. The owners of the bullock carts were (1) Fada dada (2) Muse Ahmed Bhuta and (3) Dadabhai Bajibhai Karkariya. The existing fare was one Anna per passenger. At that time, the railway fare from Varediya to Bharuch was 7 Paisa. All local Trains have eight compartments. During that period, Railway was operated by B.B. & C.I. Company. During the Second World War, in 1940–41 railway employees demanded to raise their salary and gave an ultimatum to the Government and inform the rulers that from midnight we will stop all the trains on their way. At that time, British rulers ordered the military to shoot at sight.

After some period instead of bullock carts, Horse carriages (Ghoda Gadi) were used as transportation. In the beginning, there were three horse carts. The owners were (1) Umerji Muse Abhram Daula (Grandfather of Mustak Daula) (2) Vali Muse Ghodiwala and (3) Adambhai Tilva. After two to three years, there were associated 20 carts. Fare from Tankaria to Varediya was 2 Anna.

From 1933 to 1940 in the dry season, there were two buses owned by Joli Seth run between Tankaria and Bharuch. The bus route was Tankaria to Parkhet to Pariej to Tralsa to Kothi to Kasad to Umraj to Sherpura to Fanta Talao at Bharuch. The fare was 7 Anna. Joli Seth’s real name was Mohmedali Joli.

Now another division.
Haji Musa Yusuf Bagas Adam Laheri D.O.B. 12/11/1931
Haji Gulam Adam Abhram Ise Khandu D.O.B. 9/4/1936
Haji Ibrahim Valli Yusuf Kaduji previously known as Rupiyawala

Above, three elders belonging to Bukhat division. According to them Miru, Laheri Street (Old name was Gotli Maholla), Kaduji Street (Known as Goder Street at that time), Sapa Street, Sutariya, Daula, Barkaliya, Babariya, Morli, Varu, Dashantwala, Natha, Nathalia including Ibrahimbhai Nathaliya, Vasta, Laundrywala, belong to Bukhat division.

Recalling his past, Musa Yusuf Laheri said, “When the Second World War started, at that time I was eight years old”. Dawood Munshi from Sarod was his primary school teacher. In those days, Red Juwwar was brought by British officers from America. In 1946, there was a cholera epidemic spread in Tankaria. Two children (1) Gulam Vali Abhram Manubarwala and (2) Son of Kara Ise Bhim was passed away due to cholera.
In 1948, there was a significant famine. At that time, most Tankarivis sold their brass vessels, goats, and buffaloes. At that time, so many villagers left Tankaria and relocated to different areas in Gujarat, mainly in Ahmedabad and Mumbai. Some examples are Ahmed Adam Karbhari & Mohmed Umerji Dhabu relocated to Mumbai. Chhela brothers, Musebhai Morli, and Alibhai Morli relocated to Ahmedabad.

They said that when they were children most of the boys up to 4–5 years of age were not using shoes or slippers. Senior citizens used to have Turban (Paghadi) on the head and the young generation at that time used to have Turkey Cap. They said during that time in our village the percentage of poverty was nearly 75. In the tone like they were conveying their message to the youngsters, they said, “we had dry rotla with a piece of onion, green chilli, red chilli or Jaggery as our food, but we were too strong and hardworking grown-up children.

”During those times instead of shampoo, we used black earth clay (Matodu) for washing hair. Before starting the rainy season, we kept the stock of black earth clay at home for four months. According to them, in Mota Padar there was a big well and bullocks drew water with a leather bucket. Sanchawala Ishebhai was the operator, and he drew water from the well. In his words “Kos chalavta hata.”
The largest Tamarind tree (Aambli) in Tankaria at that time was known as Hajjar’s Aambli.

Currency Units:1 Paisa (Also known as Paise) = 3 Pies.
1 Anna = 4 the Paisa = 12 Pies.
16 Anna = 64 Paisa = 192 Pies =1 Rupees.
1 Dhabu = 2 Paisa.2 Dhabu = 1 Anna.
In the general 50 Paisa referred to 8 Anna and 25 Paisa as 4 Anna.

Now another division.
Ali Ismail Ahmed Musa Bhama is nowadays known as Ali Kamthi
Abdullah Adam Ise Bagas Isap Bhad

The above elders belonging to Bhad. Below is a summary of what they have said.
All Lalans, Ipli, Handli, Khida, Voraji, Khandhia, Bhad, Halalat, Chhela, Rakhda, Seth, Dhabu, Gulam Patel, Dahelvi, Kadva, Chamad, Jatta, Chapti, Ganda, and all people of Suthar Street belong to Bhad division. Even at that time, Bhad was the largest group of families, and they have their own Graveyard (Kabrastan) known as “Bhadbhag Kabrastan” Till today it is known as Bhadbhag Kabrastan. Our elders told us that Bhad meant Big, Motu. There were five big families in Bhad (Subdivisions of the main Bhad division) among those five, one family left Tankaria and stayed at Kamboli. Up to the early ’80s, if anyone died in Kamboli village belong to that group of Bhad, he or she was buried in the Bhad Bhag graveyard of Tankaria. In 1901, one member of Bhad who left Tankaria and stayed at Kamboli had donated well to the people of Tankaria to obtain water.

According to them, our village Panchayat started in 1940. Ishap Bapuji was the Sarpanch till India became independent. There were 13 members of the Panchayat. Hashampir Kabrastan (Graveyard) laid in 12 Bigha (Vingas) (1Bigha = 20 Bissa. In traditional Gujarati people used to say “1 Vinga na 20 Vassa”.)
At that time our surrounding village’s people from west to Samni village, East up to Haldarwa, North up to Makan, South up to Hingalla, were used to call wise community leaders of Tankaria village to resolve any matter of dispute among them.

Now another division.
Vaja (Mota Vaja)
Ibrahim Adam Musa Ismail Bapu Amanji Bhama nowadays Known as Lariya Circle.

He belongs to Vaja. (Broadly known as “Mota Vaja”) According to him, Malji, Tilu, Madhi, Dedka, All Lariya family, All Pipla Street, Abhli, Jet, Bhoja, Chavdi, Bha, Manman (Whole street), Jariwala, Dahya, All Ghodiwala family, Gordhan, Bacharwala, and Khoda belong to Vaja.

He said that we used to play Gilli Danda, Sawra, Kharpat, Khokho, Kabaddi, and Cricket when we were children.
In 1952, under the leadership of Muse Kara Gordhan (Now he is in Pretoria-Africa), we made the Panj Maholla Committee (Committee for five Streets) we bought big degs and all utensils to be utilised during the marriage.
(Deg is the most commonly used utensil to prepare community dinners in India).

He asked, do you know why we are known as Circle? Then he replied himself “My father Adam Musa Ismail Lariya was working as Talati at Palej, and then he got promoted and became a Circle Inspector for that region. My father was known as Lariya Circle. Adam Musa Lariya Circle was actively involved in the construction of Masjids in Sagbara and Zaghadia, and he played a significant role.

He was also actively involved in the construction of Musafirkhana at Ankleshwar. He retired in 1969 and joined in Tankaria Masjid- Madrasa committee up to his death in 1987.

Another perspective of History of Tankaria

Narrated by the late Ahmed Munshi Compiled by Shakil Bha

Our narrator is Mr Ahmed Munshi (known as Chati Master – “Dada”). He was recognised by Ibrahim Dadabhai “Bekar” in his Patel Directory, written in 1955. After college, Mr Ahmed Munshi started his career as a teacher in 1940 at Rander (near Surat). He started with a monthly salary of Rs 15, but amazingly, he managed to save Rs 10. Bekar was his principal at MMP (Madrasiya Muhammadiya Piperdiwala) School at the time.

On 14 June 1941, he was transferred to the village of Ikhar to work. He relocated to Ikhar in 1948 because of his work. Later on, in 1955, he was once again transferred to Tankaria High School. His wife, Mrs Amina Munshi was also a teacher. She retired in 1978.

In 1980, Mr Ahmed Munshi was selected as a Tribal Subclass Officer. He was also the President of the Tankaria Retired Members Committee until 1985 and worked together with the district Panchayat to solve the pension problems of retirees. In December 1985, he moved to Chicago, USA with his wife and son, Mr Hanif Munshi, but remained an active member of the Gujarat State Pension Committee, Vadodara.

Mr Ahmed Munshi passed away on 13 March 2012 in Chicago at the age of 90 after a short illness. He was the second oldest man in the history of Tankaria. He lived all his life helping others and never felt tired smiling. Whenever you saw him, he was always smiling. Whenever he met anyone, he displayed the smile of an innocent child who had met one of his most loved friends.

In his life as a teacher, he not only helped his students reach high goals in life, but he helped their parents too. He helped the poor villagers where he was just a visitor or a teacher in the school. He helped the needy and illiterate people in filling out forms and getting their benefits from the Government. Even at the age of 88 – 89, he worked at the local masjid as a volunteer.

Now, read the history of Tankaria in his words, the words of a person who has seen Tankaria more closely than anyone else.

TANKARIA, was a village of four brothers: BHAD, BUKHAD, NANA VAJA (younger VAJA) and MOTA VAJA (older VAJA). People say that the brothers came from near Ahmedabad. No one knows exactly where. These four brothers laid the foundation stone for the village of Tankaria many, many centuries ago. Therefore, most families in Tankaria belong to these four brothers. Refer to the family tree below:





The people of Mota Padar belong to Bhad*

The people of Pipaliya Street belong to Bukhad

Bapuji, Bhaloda, Bhuta, Chati, Dehlawala, Jolly, Miyanji, Paya, and Sapa all belong to Nana Vaja

Ghodiwala family belong to Mota Vaja

Famous person from this group:

Ismail Umarji Bhuta

Famous person from this group:

Dr Alibhai Patel

* This is why Mota Padar Graveyard is called Bhad Bhag Graveyard.

As we are talking about the family tree, let’s look at some details about the other families of Tankaria. Some of the biggest families in Tankaria are Banglawala, Bhutawala and Ghodiwala. Let’s look at the Banglawala (Miyanji) family. Our author, Mr Ahmed Munshi’s full name is:

Master Ahmed Vali Musa Muhammad Umarji Miyanji

Many, many years ago there were two huge bungalows in Tankaria; one was in the West, which belonged to Musa Bapu Dehlawala, and the other was in the East, which belonged to Bagas Umarji Miyanji (remember this).

In the Miyanji family, there were two brothers: Muhammad Umarji and Bagas Umarji. Bagas Umarji’s sons were called Banglawala. Why? Because he had a big bungalow!



His family were later called “Chati”

His family were later called “Banglawala”
















No son. One daughter in London, UK

Ahmed Munshi

He moved to Vatarsa permanently. That’s why there is a big Chati family in Vatarsa

Now let’s look at the other big family of Tankaria, the Bhutawala family.







It was said that, every week, Kara Ibrahim used to visit the four corners of the village on his horse and looked after the public wells. He also stopped the illegal possession of land.

Ismail Umarji Bhuta
Musa Ismail Bhuta

Note: We request anyone with more information about the Bhutawala family to send it to sab@mytankaria.com Please provide us with full names and any other interesting facts.

—-Religious Institutions—

Jam-e-Masjid, Mota Bazaar, Tankaria:


Tankaria’s Jam-e-Masjid was built during the rule of King Qutub Abdul Muzaffar Ahmed Shah Sultan. The masjid (mosque) was built under the supervision of the King’s young representative, Sayyed Ataullah, on 9th Rabi-ul-Awwal Hijri 857. This means that the masjid is over 570 years old and, according to some elders’ knowledge, the foundation of the minaret (shown above) is about 35 to 45 feet deep into the earth. This huge masjid was reconstructed in 1977. It can accommodate approximately 1,500 – 2,000 people at one time.

Who were the Big Four?

Back then, we did not have any banks in Tankaria, so the masjid’s money was kept safe in a locker inside the masjid. No one could open the lock until the ‘Big Four’ sat together. Who were the ‘Big Four’? They were mutawallis (trustees) from the four bhags (parts) of Tankaria. Godar Dosa was one of them and he had the responsibility of keeping the key to the locker. He was very popular amongst the villagers. It was said that he had a license to cultivate opium for medicinal purposes. The other members of the four were: Kara Ibrahim Bhuta, Ismail Isa Dehlawala and a fourth person (please let us know if you know the name of the fourth person).

Masjid Locker

Four Mutawallis

Godar Dosa

Kara Ibrahim Bhuta

Ismail Isa Dehlawala


Note: We request anyone with more information about the Godar family to send it to sab@mytankaria.com. Please provide us with full names and any other interesting facts.


Jam-e-Masjid, Mota Bazaar, Tankaria:

Tankaria is bordered by the tombs of Valis (people who devoted their lives to Almighty Allah and Islam). On one side, we have Hasham Pir Baba, on the other side we have Ashraf Shah Baba and on the third side we have Jumma Shah Baba. Even inside the Jam-e-Masjid there are two tombs. There are some very interesting facts about these people and their lives.

A few decades ago, when they were rebuilding the Jam-e-Masjid, a stone was removed from one of the tombs accidentally. What did people see? People who were present at the time saw fresh flowers and an unstained cloth. It seemed like someone had been buried just a few hours ago. Ibrahim Sapa Hafezi, who was in charge of the reconstruction of the masjid, immediately asked the builders to put the stone back. Next time that you visit Tankaria, don’t forget to visit this tomb.

Ashraf Shah Baba, Nana Padar, Tankaria

Ashraf Shah BabaAshraf Shah Baba

1. People say Ashraf Shah Baba used to work as a muazzin (the person who makes the call to prayer) at the Jam-e-Masjid. He was well known and very well respected amongst the community. One person (name unknown) who used to live with Ashraf Shah Baba assisted him to welcome the many guests that visited him and helped him with his daily duties.

In that time, Tankaria was not connected by roads. People had to travel to Bharuch or Varediya by foot or by horse. The person who was living with Ashraf Shah Baba would pick up and drop off the guests from and to nearby transportation points. Ashraf Shah Baba always asked him “Did you ask for anything from my guests?” He answered “No” all the time.

One day Ashraf Shah Baba asked him to go to Bharuch. During his walk to Bharuch, a thought came in his mind, a thought to act like a blind person. So, he walked a few minutes with his eyes closed. When he came back from Bharuch, Ashraf Shah Baba asked him “Did you get blind at a certain point in your journey?” He said, “Yes”. Then Ashraf Shah Baba said “It wasn’t in your luck”. People say it was a gold brick that he missed during those few minutes that he acted as a blind person.

2. In another incident, people saw something that was unbelievable. Jam-e-Masjid has a big hoz (pool for making ablution) and a deep well. This well has now been covered up for safety reasons, as it was no longer needed due to the improvements in the village water system. In those days, we did not have pipelines and people had to go to the well to bring water for drinking and other activities. In our masjid, this responsibility was given to Ashraf Shah Baba, who had to pull the buckets of water and fill up the hoz. He had to do this every night to make the hoz ready for making wudhu (ablution) at the next morning’s Fajr salat (prayer).

However, people noticed something very strange. They never heard the sound of the bucket coming out of the well (as a bucket tied with a rope makes a distinct noise when pulled on the metal ring). Still, they would find the hoz filled with water every morning. So, the people decided to investigate this situation out of curiosity. One day, they hid behind the wall and watched what Ashraf Shah Baba was doing. Ashraf Shah Baba continued praying after Isha salat. He did not stop until midnight. When everyone left, he went to the well. What people saw was unbelievable. The water level rose on its own and Ashraf Shah Baba filled the hoz in no time.

How? Why? Ashraf Shah Baba devoted most of his time to the ibadat (worship) of Allah. He did not want to waste his time and people say that was the reason Allah helped him with his job. He rose the water level up so that His believer could spend most of his time in ibadat.

If we assess our life, we realise that we make excuses for not doing ibadat. We miss our salat because we have to go to work or we have to look after our businesses and shops. We have forgotten what our Prophet (peace be upon him) taught us. May Almighty Allah guide us to the right path. Ameen.

People and Life

Tankaria has always been first in new developments, whether it be higher education, sports, art or literature. Tankaria has produced more teachers, engineers, sportsmen, doctors, pharmacists and writers than any other village in the Bharuch district. Dr Alibhai Patel, a Tankarvi, was the first doctor in the Vahora community. The first Vahora to play at national level was a Tankarvi. A Tankarvi was one of the very few to go for further education to England before independence. Amongst the villages of the Bharuch district, the first high school was opened in Tankaria. These honours go to Tankaria because our forefathers worked really hard. They had vision, enthusiasm, strong belief in themselves and above all, love … love for their land. So, let’s talk about these people, their lives, their hard work and their love for Tankaria.

Before independence (1947), education at the Tankaria School was primarily in Urdu. Gujarati was an optional subject. Isap Bapuji’s building was used for boarding. Students from the Bharuch district would come for Urdu education. The Bharuch District Board would provide them with free boarding and food. After independence, the Government of Gujarat made Gujarati a mandatory subject and Urdu became optional. So, the boarding building was no longer needed. It was later used as a house by Isap Bapuji’s children.

Isap Bapuji was the Sarpanch (elected leader) of Tankaria for a long time. He was a very kind and popular person. His grandson is Saeed Bapuji, a teacher at Tankaria High School and local leader.

In approximately 1857, two brothers from the Kabir family came to Tankaria. They were freedom fighters. At that time, it was illegal to shelter any person who was involved in activity against the British Empire. Despite this, Musa Ibrahim Khoda granted them shelter. The two brothers asked every family in Tankaria to give one child for freedom fighting. Their famous slogan was “Beta ki jaan khilafat may dedo” (give your son’s life in the political protest campaign).

The life before independence was hard, but inflation was at its lowest. A teacher’s monthly wage was Rs 15.

Rs 1 = 16 Ana.

500g Meat = 4 Ana.

Grocery = Rs 1.

3 storey building for rent = Rs 5 per month.

Tankaria to Varediya horse carriage ride = 4 Ana.

You can imagine how cheap everyday items were. Transportation was very cost effective too. We didn’t have buses and the nearest railway station was Varediya (thanks to the British Government). There were horse carriages to carry passengers from Tankaria to Varediya and vice versa. Devram Mota was the President of the Horse Carriage Association. Six to seven passengers could travel at one time. The cost was 4 Ana per person. One trip would make Rs 1.7 for the horse carriage owner. Since the last train was at 8 pm, and all the commuters would come at that time, they would take horse carriages to get to Tankaria.

Don’t we still follow that tradition? The last train still comes at the same time … only the name has been changed. Now it is called the Bhaktani Express from Vadodara to Palej. Buses and rickshaws have replaced horse carriages and it costs Rs 7 – 10 to get to Tankaria from Palej.

As we are talking about the people and their lives, let’s talk more about some Tankarvis in detail.

“Janaab” Muhammad Valli Pavariya: Back then, he was the personal assistant of the Nawaabs* of Junaghad. He had the kind of reputation that people would dream of. He had a car and, whenever he visited Tankaria, people used to say “Hati jazo, Pawariya ni car aavi” (move out of the way, Pavariya’s car is coming). You can read more about his son, “Janaab” Ibrahim Muhammad Valli Pavariya, in our extract from Bekar’s Patel Directory. He represented the Gujarat state at the National Cadet Cops.

Adam Ismail “Mustufabadi”: He was a very famous name among Tankarvis. He had a clothing business. After coming from Africa, he started a clothing business in Tankaria. On any occasion in Tankaria, you could expect his speech. You can see his picture in our Sweet Memories photo album.

Dr Alibhai Patel: You can read about his life in our extract from Bekar’s Patel Directory. He was the first certified doctor from the Vahora community. His clinic was in Ankleshwar. He was also the president of the Muslim League.

The people of Tankaria still remember the wedding ceremony of his son. When his son got married, he invited the entire village and hired a team of professionals for the fireworks display. There were fireworks in every street of Tankaria. In addition, he hired the ‘Gayakwad Band’ (a very famous musical group during those days) for the entertainment of the villagers. There was a ‘Fulku’* all night long.

After India gained independence from its British rulers, he went to Pakistan with his family.

Khatki Munshi: He was the principal of Tankaria Primary School. He was very clever and would remember the hand writing of a person just by looking at it once. He would recognise that hand writing the next time he saw it. His daughter was a doctor and she lived in Ahmedabad for a while. According to the latest information, his family now lives in Chicago, USA. His granddaughter is married to Gani Seth Khandhiya’s son, Fayaz Khandhiya.

Musa Mukardam Patel: There is a very interesting story about Musa Mukardam Patel. According to our narrator, Mr Ahmed Munshi, Musa Mukardam Patel used to keep a diary with him all the time. After every Zohar salat he would ask the Dariya Vahu (midwife) about any new born babies in the village. He would write down the birth dates of those babies along with their family names. On the fourth day, he would ask the Dariya Vahu what names were given to those babies by their families and he noted them down in his diary too. Mr Ahmed Munshi said that he had seen his date of birth in Musa Mukardam Patel’s diary.

Musa Mukardam Patel had two sons. Ahmed Patel and Ali Patel.

What interesting people … what caring natures … hats off to them!

* Nawaabs: Before independence, India was divided into territories. Every territory was ruled by a King or Nawaab who would come under the direct control of the British Empire.

* Fulku: A tradition in which a group of people would play traditional music using drums. It usually starts after sunset.

Part 03: Organisations 
edited By: Nasir Ahmed Lotiya.

Community Relief Organisations:

Anjuman-e-Nusratul Muslimin – Provides affordable medical care – edited by Iqbal Bhutawala

Madni Shifa Khana (Madni Hospital) – Provides affordable medical care – edited by Nasir Lotiya

Tankaria Covid Care Centre – Provides free medical care for Covid-19 – edited by Nasir Lotiya

The Tankaria Welfare Society, UK – Community development, education and general charitable purposes – compiled by Nasir Lotiya

The Mustafabad Youth Club

Educational Institutions/ Technical Education:

Mustufabad Industrial Training Institute (M.I.T.I.) – Provides youth with essential Industrial Training for employment –edited by Nasir Lotiya

The Tankaria High School Tankaria – by My Tankaria News

M.A.M. High School

Tankaria Primary School for Boys – Please refer Part 01

Tankaria Primary School for Girls

Central Urdu Primary School of  Tankaria– Please refer Part 01

Elected Governing Body:

Tankaria Village Panchayat – History – edited by Nasir Lotiya

Part 04: People
edited By : Nasirhusen Lotiya.

Famous personalities of Tankaria

List of Doctors

(Click on above link for the updated list of Doctors)

Politicians: Dr Ali Ghodiwala (Member, Bombay Legislative assembly and President of Bharuch District Muslim League), Isap Bapuji (Member, Bharuch District Local Board) Mohammed Musa Master (Member, Bharuch District Local Board), Gulam Patel (Member, Bharuch Taluka Panchayat), Mahammed Musa Varu (Member, Bharuch Taluka Panchayat), Popat Yakub Vakil/Lawyer (Member, Bharuch Taluka Panchayat), Gulam Umerji Ghodiwala (President, Bharuch Taluka Panchayat), Saeed Bapuji (Member, Bharuch District Panchayat), Makbul Abhli (Member, Bharuch District Panchayat), Mariyamben Makbul Abhli  (Member of Bharuch District Panchayat and Chairman of Bharuch Jilla Panchayat Construction Committee ), Abdullah Ghodiwala/Lalla. (Member, Bharuch Taluka Panchayat).

Poets: Adam Tankarvi, Aziz Tankarvi, Daud Khandhiya, Iqbal Ughradar, Kadam Tankarvi, Mahek Tankarvi, Mubarak Adam Ghodiwala, Munshi Tankarvi, Nasirhusen Lotiya, Sadik Ughradar, and Zakir Tankarvi.

TANKARIA IN 1954 (Published in “Patel Directory” (Community of Bharuch District Muslim Patel) written by Ibrahim Dadabhai. “Bekar”- Rander, Surat in 1954.) 

Tankaria, The biggest village in Bharuch District. Once it was very advanced in the cotton business but due to discord (Kusamp) among the merchants, they all became common human beings but nowadays because of the efforts done by Seth Musa Umerji Captownwala, there are unity and peace in the village. There are about 4000 Patels in this village In that Bhutawala, Ghodiwala, Delawala, Jetwala, Sapawala, etc…..are some prominent families in this village. The 1st High school was founded by these villagers in Bharuch District and this credit goes to Mr. Seth Umerjibhai Captownwala, Mustufabadi a well-known writer of that time, Janab Mohmed Master, and the Enthusiastic young man Mr. Mastanbhai Bunglawala. There are many intelligent and clever people in this village and social workers are also considerable numbers. On the other hand, unemployed people are also there. Vernacular Final Passed 125, Trained Teacher 40, Talati 3, Circle Inspector 1 and clerk in Income Tax Department 1, surveyor 1, S.S.C. passed are 32, Engineers 2, Under Graduate 4, B.A. passed 2, Hafejis’ 8, successful farmers 15 and successful businessman 10, the no. of N.R.I. was 160. Janab Mustufabadi is a well-known writer and social worker. Overall the village is an advance in education. This village had Central School as a result of that there are large no. of Vernacular Final passed candidates.

1. Dr. Ali Dadabhai Patel: – Age, 63. Native place Tankaria. He was passed his Medical Exam and gain a Degree in Dr in 1912. After that, he joins the Mumbai Government as a servant. He was the first man to become Dr. among the Patel community, in 1933 he received the “Sir William Moore” prize for his first rank service in Mumbai province. He was also awarded the title of ‘KHANSAAB’ in 1934 for his honesty in service, but he returns the award later on. He was a member of the Mumbai Province Medical Council, he got retired from service in 1943 and started his own nursing home at Bharuch, but he closed it later on. He was the president of The Bharuch District Muslim league and under his chairmanship, the Gujarat Political Conference was organized in 1945 at Panoli. He was elected uncontested (Bin harif) as MLA of Mumbai. He was also the chief whip of the opposition Leader. After partition, he went to Pakistan with the whole family and settle down in Karachi. At present, he is there. He founded Pakistan Drug House Ltd. and made progress in dealing with Medicine and drugs. In 1951, he went to Mecca for Hajj with his family. He is a leading person among Patels of Bharuch District. As a leader, he has all qualities and he never rests without reaching the goal. He is very firm (Makkam) and he has made name and fame among Patel of Bharuch District.

2. Seth Musa Umerji Gujiya:-Age 63, the Native place is Tankaria, at present, he is in cape town S.A. He received primary education in Tankaria and gained English Education through private means, but he can write and talk well in English. In 1908, he went to Africa and started his own business in cape town, At present, he is a good fruit merchant and also in grocery businessman. He is a lover of peace so he removed differences among different parties of the village and established peace. No doubt he is away from the native place, but he has love and feelings for his native place. One can prove this by his religious worldly and social service done by him. He is a philanthropist (Sakhidata) and he gives a hidden donation, but he does not want to come to light. He is a well-known worker of Tankaria and a lover of peace. He takes a keen interest in the progress and education of the Patel community. He is old, but his spirit is young.

3. Mohmed Dr Alibhai Patel:– Age 40, Native place Tankaria, he is the eldest son of Dr Alibhai Patel. He passed his Matric exam in 1935 from Aligarh Muslim University. He is a good player of cricket and football. He received the award from Aligarh Muslim University. At present, he is in Pakistan (Karachi) and working in The Pakistan Drug House.

4. V. A. Punewala:- Age 35, Native place Tankaria, at the beginning of his life, he was a Tailor. After that, he got a diploma from ZARAPAKAD TRAINING COLLEGE – PUNE in the Master of Tailoring along with a Diploma from Bombay Commercial College, Mumbai. He started his college (Training) after 5 years. He received a diploma from Tailor & Cutter Academy London and started his Tailoring college in Surat in 1939. He started giving scientific knowledge of Tailoring to young people of Gujarat, because of his guidance and Training 100s of unemployed youth of Gujarat got their livelihood through Tailoring. In this college, the dealing of sewing machines is also done. He has published two books on Tailoring and cuttings. These books are very useful in India.

5. Ismail Umerji Abhram Bhuta:-Age 46, Native place Tankaria, He is a well-known leader of Tankaria and Vantarsa village. He is a successful farmer and landlord of Tankaria village. He is enthusiastic, loving, amiable in nature, he is known as a noble person. His father was the general merchant of cotton. He had one ginning factory. He is the farmer revenue Patel of Vantarsa village. He is a member of The Tankaria Village Panchayat. He takes a deep interest in the social work of Tankaria village. He is old, but spirit was young.

6. Musa Ismail Bhutawala: – Age 24, He passed his Matric in 1949, at present he is doing his inter and works as a Godown Keeper at Amod.

7. Ahmed Umerji Ismail Khoda:- Age 44, native place Tankaria, he was born in a well-known Ghodiwala family, after getting primary education in Tankaria, he went to Miyagam with his father and started the business of food grains, he gain a great deal of experience in business and became very clever and expert in maintaining account. He started his own business in Savli village and as he became successful in business. He established his firm in Tankaria. He is the leading personality among the businessman of Tankaria. He is very honest in nature. He maintain his account. He is not only a successful businessman but also a successful farmer. He gives all his time to business and does not take the interest in other useless activities.

Kahan Gaye Wo Log (edited by Yacoob Mank)

Poets (edited by Adam Tankarvi and Mahek Tankarvi)

Shining Stars (edited by Yacoob Mank)

34 Comments on “History of Tankaria

  1. Interesting Videos: This is how our ancestors used oxen to draw water from wells.
    Also, we have recorded few lines said by our great ancestors belongs to Bukhat division under “Oral History”. They told us how the need for water for villagers was met? Before you read Oral History, watch those videos. Tankarvis were using same techniques. https://www.mytankaria.com/history/history-of-mustafabad-tankaria

    રસપ્રદ વિડિઓ: આપણા પૂર્વજો આ રીતે બળદો નો ઉપયોગ કરી ઊંડા કૂવામાંથી પાણી કાઢતા હતા.
    મૌખિક ઇતિહાસ અંતર્ગત ગામની પાણીની જરૂરીયાત કઈ રીતે પુરી કરાતી હતી તે અંગેની વાતો આપણા બુખત ભાગના (બુખત ભાગને કેટલાક બુખદ તો કેટલાક ભૂખળ કહે છે. પરંતુ વર્ષો જુના હસ્તલિખિત રેકર્ડમાં અનેકવાર આ ભાગ બુખત તરીકે જ નોંધાયેલ છે. હાશમશાહ ર.અ. દરગાહની પૂર્વ તરફ હમણાં જે કામ ચાલુ છે એ બુખતાઓનું કબ્રસ્તાન તરીકે ઓળખાય છે. અને હાલમાં પણ આપણા વડીલો આ ભાગનો ઉલ્લેખ બુખત તરીકે કરે છે.) ત્રણ વડીલોએ કરી હતી જેને અમે મૌખિક ઇતિહાસમાં નોંધી છે .
    તમે મૌખિક ઇતિહાસ વાંચો તે પહેલાં એ રસપ્રદ વિડિઓ જુઓ. આપણા ગ્રામજનો આજ ટેકનીકનો ઉપયોગ કરી ઊંડા કૂવામાંથી પાણી કાઢતા હતા. https://www.mytankaria.com/history/history-of-mustafabad-tankaria

  2. Mashallah,

    A Big Thanks to Nasir and team for this amazing fact finding mission.
    This will have a great impact on our future generations.
    May Allah SWT grant you best rewards for reminding all about our great ancestors .
    May Allah SWT Grant all our Marhumeen Best place in Jannatul Firdaus.


    • Aameen. Thank you, Mohammedamin. It’s encouraging reading such nice duaa and comments from Tankarvi friends like you. Your words are motivating. It gave us pleasure to know that our efforts have not gone unnoticed. May Allah SWT help us and guide us to the right path. May Allah SWT grant all our Marhumeen best place in Jannatul Firdaus. Aameen.

  3. Masha Allah, nice wonderful history of Tankaria. Thank you Mustak bhai and Nasir bhai and all contributors. Please update time to time, thank you.

    • Thanks for your words. For the update, please refer to “Message for Returning Visitors” on the page “History of Mustafabad Tankaria.”
      New information, added on the 18th of March 2021 under the subtitle “Tankaria Primary School for Boys”. Please refer to the second paragraph starting from, “The original school building (1865–66) . . . up to . . . Branch school for boys at Mota Padar has eight rooms.”
      I hope it will be helpful and will save the time of returning visitors.

  4. Salam to Nasirhusen. My heartfelt and sincere congratulations to you for providing the historical preserved documentation treasure of our beloved motherland Tankaria. I am astonished with no bounds to appreciate the phenomenal well researched work for Tankaria history which you have articulately and beautifully represented which is such a pleasure to read breathlessly. You really deserve all credit stars for this distinctive work and dedication for the excellent and superb work. I hope this well researched work will inspire the future generation to follow your footsteps to find more details. Nasir, well done beyond everyone’s expectations!!! Salam to your dad and all friends.

    • W. Salam. Thank you for your heart-touching, heartening inspiration. It is a great honour to know that a studious person like you considers collections of my research work for Tankaria history as a historical preserved documentation treasure. I sincerely appreciate your valuable response. Your words referring to credit stars strengthened my capability to work harder. In our project the goal seems so far off and our progress is so painfully slow. All compliments which I received from Tankarvis will keep serving as a source of my inspiration in the future. I conveyed your salam to my father; he replied “Wa alaykum salam.”

  5. Salaam Nasirhusen. I can see you have spent a lot of time researching the history of our village. It is very interesting and well presented. It can be useful and inspiring for our younger generation. Well done and keep up the good work.
    Yacoob Mahek

    • W. Salaam. As you know it is an arduous and time-consuming project. I put much effort into research; thank you for noticing. Please accept my sincere thanks for recognising my efforts. Thank you Sir.

  6. Thank you all for your humbling and heartwarming compliments via website and individual WhatsApp messages. Your compliments and response have greatly elevated my spirits.
    “The achievement of your goal is assured the moment you commit yourself to it”; let us keep working for the welfare of our community.

    • As always, godfather of Tankaria website, Nasir is one the great personality of Mustufabad / Tankaria.
      Deep research and hard work are truly big contributions to bring our past to our knowledge.
      Much appreciated your investigative journalism. Keep up the good work.

      • I sincerely appreciate your response regarding my efforts. I am grateful for all words of appreciation. Regarding your comment related to investigative journalism, it will be interesting to know if Tankarvis are also working in the field of accountability reporting. Tankarvis are working for almost all popular professions.

  7. By coincident, I am looking to get some connection with my maternal grandfather, Adam Ebrahim Natha, of Mainline Fruit Suppliers (1920’s) family, as I am visiting India in Dec 2015,

    • Assalamalikum
      What I know is my grandfather name was Ahmed Ibrahim Natha. Now my family known as Morli from Rakhda street. My family still live in Tankaria and knows as Shabbir Morli and Wasim Morli.
      If you find some connection please let me know.
      Nisar Patel
      Bloomingdale, Il, 60108. USA.

        The MorlI family is a big family as we know it. In which the late Dawood Morli he was Hafize Quran and he was blind. Their children are Iqbal, Ahmed, Ghulam and Farooq in which Iqbal is also Hafeze Quaraan and he is also blind. Late Daud hafezi had a brother named valibhai is also died. His son’s name is Altaf Morli. As well as there are some members of the Morli family is live in Vadodar [Tandalja].

  8. As salaam Mustak. Your mum should have a lot of knowledge of our Natha family. Also can you tell me who were our ancestors. Ask your mum. Also, what do they mean by “we belong to Bukhad”? Could you explain? Thank you.

  9. Can we have more history about the Kaghree Natha family. I am sure you have some knowledge, as it is your family too. Salaams, Abeda.


  10. Aslm! My grandfather is from Tankaria and his name, as per passport / British Subject, is Yusuf Bhabujee Patel, DOB 1881/2. He came to settle in Cape Town, South Africa. It would be much appreciated if I could come in contact with his family if possible. Jazakallahu Khayr.

  11. Hello, my late grandmother was from the family in Bharuch. One day, if Allah grant me, I would like to journey to the village to visit the family.
    They were from the Adams family, also connected to the Valli family.
    It would be awesome to meet up with the family who is still in the village.
    I do know that many have moved to the United Kingdom.

    Cape Town, South Africa.

    • The MorlI family is a big family as we know it. In which the late Dawood Morli he was Hafize Quran and he was blind. Their children are Iqbal, Ahmed, Ghulam and Farooq in which Iqbal is also Hafeze Quaraan and he is also blind. Late Daud hafezi had a brother named valibhai is also died. His son’s name is Altaf Morli. As well as there are some members of the Morli family is live in Vadodra [Tandalja].

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