Meet and Greet”  with new 17th district Police Commander was organized by Alderman Margaret Laurino. The progran was to welcome new Police Commander to community and get to know him, give Police Commander an opportunities to know the community,  his plan for the safety and betterment of community and involvement of community to support his initiative to strengthen policing activities. 17th district of City of Chicago is a very diverse community with large population of ethnic communities including big Vohra community.

The program was attended by large number of community members,  chamber of Commerce, representative s from Congressman Quigley office, Park District officials and many profit and non-profit organization.

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Tankaria celebrating 69th Independence day today with joy.  On that occasion Government of Gujarat gifted bicycles to minority girls students who passed and went to the High School [From standard 8 to 9] . On occasion of Flag hosting at  Kanyashala Tankaria and I. N. Vidyalaya Tankaria the guest was Abdullah Tailaor [Lallumama], Iqbal Kabir [Sarpanch], Talati Mr. Vaghela, CRC Mr. Aiyub Kaduji, Dr. Musabahi Miyanji, Dy. Sarpanch Altaf Ganda and other villagers were present at the time of flag hosting.

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Today we celebrate Independence Day, the day for which our ancestors fought until their last breath and sacrificed their lives. What make this nation great…more than a billion people with thousands languages and hundreds of different religion and faiths but still ONE NATION.

On this day, WE make a pledge to make this great nation, a Nation with opportunity for all, tolerance and future filled with hope and love.

Happy Independence Day from MyTankaria Team.

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