Blessed month of Rabiul Awwal started.
It is with overwhelming joy and felicity that Gujarat Chand Committee announce the sighting of the Hilal signalling the commencement of the blessed month of Rabiul Awwal 1442, wherein Almighty Allah bestowed His greatest bounty upon creation with the birth of His most Sublime, Most Beloved, Most Exemplary, Most Revered, Most Beautiful creation, our Master and August Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (may choicest blessings and peace be upon him) Congratulations and Mubarak to all on occasion of Mawlidun Nabi. May Almighty Allah through the Waseela of His Beloved Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) grant you and your families peace, tranquility and success in all your endeavors. From the first date of Rabiul Awwal to the 12th of date of Rabiul Awwal, Bayaan program organized after Isha prayer in Jam Masjid Tankaria and Masjid e Mustufaiyyah, Mota Padar, Tankaria.
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