VVUK held a small welcome reception at Bolton office
VVUK held a small welcome reception at Bolton office to honour WBVF and MMMCT President Janab Ayoobbhai Akuji of Zambia, his beloved sons Shafik and Safwan, Prof Ibrahim Balapatel (Bhavnagar University) of Canada, Mubarakbhai Sarpanch of Manubar and Polokwane South Africa Bharuchi Vahora Organisation Secretary Ayoobbhai Nakedar.
Very important speeches and discussion took place to unite and uplift our world wide community.
Famous poet and writer Yakubbhai Menk mentioned a inspirational poster with tough steps to digest to achieve success.
Our Gujarati poets delivered some very good poems.
Honorary guest Ayoobbhai Akuji has also read a small inspirational poet for the first time!
Program was presented successfully by charming VVUK officer Imtiaz Patel Varediawala.
Reporting by : Iqbal Dhoriwala [UK]

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