World Bharuchi Vahora Federation Activity Report…

World Bharuchi Vahora Federation (WBVF), an organization of Vahora Patel Community based in Bharuch, established to address the issues faced by the current generation as well as to establish support and develop infrastructure for betterment of future generations. The organization recently published its detailed annual activity report composed of various activities the organization conducted thruout the year and its goals in near future. Here we share the glimpse of the report with My Tankaria global family. Their detailed audited report can be found at World Bharuchi Vohra Federation website

1 Comment on “World Bharuchi Vahora Federation Activity Report…

  1. Brief and beautiful. Looks like the dream has come true at last. It shows what a team of devoted workers can achieve in such a short time. As a community we have a long way to go yet to catch up with other similar communities. Knowing our spirited and generous community, we know the sky is the limit if we continue to remain united and goal-focused, difficult as it is to do so. If we don’t wake up now, we will be put to sleep forever by our many enemies. Let us be positive and hope and pray for the best.

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