Death news from Tankaria
Hasinaben Ibrahimbhai Batli [Mother of Mohyuddin Batli] passed away….. inna lillahe wainna ilayhe rajeun. May ALLAH[ SWT] grant her the best place in Jannatul Firdaush. Ameen.
Hasinaben Ibrahimbhai Batli [Mother of Mohyuddin Batli] passed away….. inna lillahe wainna ilayhe rajeun. May ALLAH[ SWT] grant her the best place in Jannatul Firdaush. Ameen.
Is there any pictures available of tadfeen
Assalamo Alaykum
Normally we are not updating pics of Tadfin only after request and permission from death person’s family.
Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajioon