39th Ward Alderman Candidate Samantha Nugent Meets With Community…
Leading up to 2nd April runoff election in Chicago’s hotly contested 39th ward aldermanic seat, candidate Samantha Nugent met with members of community today. Community meet which was co-ordinated by Hanif Bhai Munshi of Tankaria was also attended by Illinois State Representative John D’Amico as well as Samantha’s campaign team.
Many of our readers may not know but Chicago’s 39th ward is one of the most culturally and ethnically diverse community in Chicago. 39th ward is home to a large number of South Asian population and home of the largest Gujarati Vohra Patel community in USA.
In a meeting with community members, candidate Samantha Nugent laid out her vision for 39th ward which is to improve quality of public services, safety of the community and importance of communication/co-ordination between alderman office and residents of the ward. The meeting was a great opportunity for community members to get to know their candidate, ask questions as well as making their candidate aware of their needs and concerns.

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