Global Citizens of Tankaria … We Salute You….
By the grace of Almighty Allah, Tankaria will once again prove the power of unity, love, courage, determination and appreciation. Its citizens scattered all around the globe have come together today in Leicester, UK, to revive the Tankaria Welfare Society UK.
A call came from three well wishers, Janaab Shafiq Patel, Janaab Bhuta and Janaab Iqbal Bhai Dhoriwala, to come together to make efforts and plans for the future of the the Tankaria Welfare Society UK and what a response!
Messages of unconditional support are pouring in from around the world. Be it a citizen of India, Africa, Canada, UK, USA, KSA or any other part of world, as long as his / her heart beats for Tankaria, support has come in the form of dua, pledges and commitments.
Wouldn’t our forefathers be proud of this? Of course they would. Isn’t this is an inspiration for future generations and any community? Yes it is!
Global citizens of Tankaria … we salute you….
The meeting is to be held today at 6:00 pm at Dukry Hall, 77 Dorothy Road, Leicester, UK, LE5 5DS.
If you are in the area and are planning to attend, or need any additional information, please call one of the following for information:
Shafiq Patel: +44 7882 685292
Iqbal Dhoriwala: +44 7968 222869
Read a few selected messages from Tankarvis in support of today’s programme.
Message from beloved and very respected and inspirational figure, Janaab Adam Saheb Lali:
Firstly my salaams to all Tankarvis present at this gathering to relaunch the Tankaria Welfare Society UK. I am pleased that you, amongst others, have taken the initiative to motivate this. My best wishes for the success of this meeting.
The fact that people from Tankaria are present is an indication that, no matter if they left the village and are living comfortably abroad, Tankarvis still care about their motherland and want to make a meaningful contribution by moral or financial support to the people of Tankaria.
From the time people from abroad took an interest in the welfare of Tankaria, I have personally noticed how the lives of people have improved in terms of eduction, medical, sport and the general standard of living.
May Allah reward those who have contributed to this change. The restarting of the Tankaria Welfare Society UK can only produce positive results. My best wishes for success. I feel proud that, unlike other villages, Tankarvis do care about their motherland. Keep up the good work.
I wish that I could be at this meeting, but my thoughts and duaas are with you.
Adam Lali.
Message from Maqbool Abhli, representative Bharuch District Panchayat:
Tame je kari rahya chho tena thi khusi thai. Tankaria na vikas mate je thay teno maro dil thi teko chhe lage raho.
Message from Iqbal Kabir, Sarpanch of Tankaria:
Message from Iqbal Popat, Canada:
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